How Professional Teeth Whitening Can Renew Your Look

Do you look as young as you feel? A faded smile can add years to your personal appearance. Thankfully, professional teeth whitening from Dr. Sachs & Associates in New York, NY, can change all that. Dr. Joseph Sachs and Dr. Robert Cruz and their team love helping people achieve that perfect look. They can tell you if whitening can renew your smile.

Oh, those stains!

If tooth enamel is so hard, how does it stain? The answer is two-fold: one, what we eat, drink and smoke contain varying degrees of pigmented molecules. Coffee, tobacco, soy sauce and more are very dark, and stain whatever they contact, including your teeth.

Two, tooth enamel is a network of fibers. Yes, those fibers are calcified and rock-hard, but they still absorb organic matter and hold onto it. Even brushing, flossing and getting hygienic cleanings at your dentist's office cannot remove it all. Teeth whitening, however, can solve the problem.

What is professional teeth whitening?

In short, it's today's most economical and high-performance dental service to whiten your teeth. Using very concentrated hydrogen peroxide gel, your dentist performs teeth whitening right in his New York office.

To make sure your gums and teeth can tolerate whitening, Dr. Sachs or Dr. Cruz carefully inspect them for decay, sensitivity, gum disease and more. If you have a healthy smile, you can get this quick, in-office service.

In about an hour, you'll receive two or three applications of the peroxide gel. It seeps into your tooth enamel and then is rinsed off and re-applied as needed. After about an hour, the enamel whitens by up to eight full shades! No over the counter whitening strips, toothpastes or rinses produce such spectacular or long-lasting results.

Staying white

To maintain your bright look, brush your teeth carefully twice a day for at least two minutes, according to the American Dental Association (ADA) recommendations. Also, floss around your teeth daily to remove food residues and prevent tartar. See your dental team at Dr. Sachs & Associates in New York for an occasional whitening touch-up and a semi-annual cleaning and check-up.

Finally, limit your intake of staining foods and beverages.

Call us to renew your look

At Dr. Sachs & Associates in New York, NY, Dr. Sachs and Dr. Cruz know their patients want healthy smiles which help them look their best. Phone us for a cosmetic dentistry consultation, and we'll answer your questions on professional teeth whitening and more. Call (212) 929-7718.

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