The Unique Benefits of Invisalign Treatment

If you’re interested in Invisalign, you can visit Dr. Joseph Sachs or Dr. Robert Cruz here at Dr. Joseph Sacs and Associates in New York, NY, to assess and discuss your specific treatment goals.

How Invisalign Aligners Work

Once your dentist has qualified you for Invisalign treatment, a dental impression of your teeth will be taken for creating custom trays. Your initial set of aligners will be used for about two weeks before it is replaced with the next set or when the proper adjustment position has been reached. As your teeth move into place gradually, more adjustments will be made to the set of aligners. The goal is to have your teeth in the desired position at the end of the treatment period.

Unique Health Advantages of Invisalign

Patients love this orthodontic procedure for these unique benefits:

  • Invisible Trays: Its clear appearance makes it easier to appreciate than having wires and brackets in your mouth.
  • Comfortable: Metal braces can sometimes cause pain in your mouth, while the smooth plastic material of Invisalign eliminates edges and protrusions that might hurt you.
  • Time Saver: On the average, Invisalign maintenance is done every six weeks, this means minimal time going back and forth to your dentist’s office in New York, NY.
  • Cleaner Mouth: The removable trays allow you to have cleaner teeth because it is easier to brush and even floss. Since you can remove the trays, it is easier to clean them as well to ensure there is no bacteria buildup and a cleaner mouth.
  • Improved Dental Health: Because the aligners are removable and the gaps and crowding have been addressed, you’ll have improved dental health because your teeth and gums are better cared for.
  • Freedom to Eat: Invisalign gives you the freedom to eat virtually anything you want. No foods are prohibited, but of course, you need to stay away from acidic and sugary foods for better dental health.

Find Out If You’re Eligible for Invisalign Treatment Today

Call (212) 929-7718 to book your appointment with Dr. Joseph Sachs or Dr. Robert Cruz here at Dr. Joseph Sacs and Associates in New York, NY.

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