What You Should Know About Veneers

Would you like to correct a few flaws in your smile? Veneers, one of the dental treatments offered by your New York, NY, dentists of Dr. Sachs and Associates, conceal tooth imperfections and minor damage.

Veneers offer a creative way to hide flaws

Veneers are thin, tooth-shaped shells that your dentist attaches to your teeth with dental cement. The restorations only cover the fronts of your teeth, the area where flaws are the most noticeable. Since porcelain veneers closely resemble tooth enamel, no one will know that you've had dental work done.

Dental veneers offer a simple way to keep chips and minor damage out of sight, hide shallow cracks, or conceal pits, bumps, discolorations, and other flaws. When the shape or length of a tooth is the problem, veneers provide an ideal solution. They're effective at extending the length of a short tooth and improving the appearance of a twisted, crooked, or oddly shaped tooth.

Do you feel a little self-conscious about the gap between your front teeth? Slight gaps can be easily concealed just by adding a few veneers to your teeth. Veneers can also be used to whiten your teeth. Your dentist can help you pick the perfect shade of white for your teeth during your first veneer appointment.

Veneers don't require extensive dental changes to teeth

You won't need any major changes to your teeth when you improve your appearance with veneers. In fact, veneers may only require the removal of a tiny amount of tooth enamel. Removing some enamel may be necessary to ensure that your veneers are comfortable and look natural.

You'll need two appointments at the New York, NY, dental office if you'll be getting veneers. During the first appointment, your dentist will remove tooth enamel if necessary, and make an impression of your teeth. The impression will be used to create your porcelain veneers. You may leave the office with temporary veneers, which you'll wear until your permanent restorations are ready.

Enhance your smile with veneers! Call your dentists of Dr. Sachs and Associates, at (212) 929-7718 to schedule your appointment.

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