Intrinsic and Extrinsic Stains

It’s time you bring out that beautiful smile of yours and get rid of stained teeth. Set an appointment with your reliable New York, NY, cosmetic dentists, Dr. Joseph Sachs and Dr. Robert Cruz, of the Dr. Sachs and Associates practice, and be able to show off a bright smile.

Stained Teeth

Stained teeth can cause a lot of insecurity and self-consciousness. They prevent you from beaming your beautiful smile and restrict your overall facial expressions if you always worry about how much of your stained teeth people will see.

It’s important to know what kind of problem you’re dealing with so that you can better understand what your cosmetic dentist from New York, NY, can do in order to resolve it.

Intrinsic Stains

Intrinsic dental stains refer to stains in the teeth that originate from within the tooth itself. Usually, They appear as a yellowish or brownish color, although it’s also possible for them to appear white or gray.

Intrinsic stains have many causes, but most of them are considered to be naturally occurring or genetic. Apart from them being inherited, it’s also possible that they can be caused by certain medical conditions, prolonged use of certain antibiotics, exposure to too much fluoride, and injuries to the tooth.

Treating Intrinsic Stains

The difficulty with intrinsic stains is that the discoloration is occurring from within the tooth, which means that any cosmetic solution applied to the surface will not work. The only solution, therefore, is to cover up the stains using other treatments such as dental bonding, dental crowns, or porcelain veneers.

Extrinsic Stains

Extrinsic stains, on the other hand, are discolorations that occur on the surface of the tooth. They are usually from external elements such as food and drinks with heavy colors that leave a stain on the tooth’s enamel, such as wine, coffee, tea, berries, curries, and beets. Another famous cause of tooth stains is nicotine from cigarettes.

Treating Extrinsic Stains

Because the stains are on the surface of the tooth, They are addressed with simpler cosmetic procedures, such as teeth whitening. Professional whitening treatments are applied to remove the stains and brighten up the tooth.

Get in touch with your cosmetic dentists in New York, NY, Dr. Sachs and Dr. Cruz, if you’re ready to show off a whiter smile. Call Dr. Sachs & Associates at (212) 929-7718 to schedule an appointment.

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